
Resource Management Technician II
Original government version here
Closing: 2025-02-09

Resource Management Technician II

Reference number: CAP25J-031283-000038
Selection process number: 2024-CAP-SNWT-NAA-EA-TERM-098
Parks Canada - Nááts'įhch'oh National Park Reserve
Tulita (Northwest Territories)
Term (May to November, 2025)
$59,291 to $74,534 (Plus applicable isolated post allowance.)

For further information on the organization, please visit Parks Canada

Closing date: 9 February 2025 - 23:59, Pacific Time

Who can apply: All individuals who have legal status to work in Canada. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.

*In the spirit of the Sahtu Dene and Metis Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement and the Nááts’ihch’oh Impact Benefit Plan, preference will be given to qualified beneficiaries of this Agreement.

Important messages

We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process. If you need to be accommodated during any phase of the evaluation process, please use the Contact information below to request specialized accommodation. All information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential.

Assessment accommodation

In support of achieving a representative workforce and our diversity, equity and inclusion goals, preferred consideration may be given to qualified candidates self-identifying as belonging to one of the equity seeking groups: Indigenous Peoples, racialized communities, persons with disabilities, 2SLGBTQIA+.

📌Northern Allowances (rates and conditions subject to change and vary depending on number of dependents):
▻ Isolated Post Allowances: Approximately $26,913 per year to $44,855 per year (Tulita, NT)
▻ Vacation Travel Assistance: approximately approximately $3,330 twice per year for each eligible member of the household (Tulita, NT).

📢 We also offer:
▻ Housing: Federal government housing may be available;
▻ Relocation assistance: Applicants may be eligible for relocation assistance and may wish to review the Relocation Directive: https://www.njc-cnm.gc.ca/directive/d6/en;
▻ Training, development & education opportunities: Multi-year career development plans which include opportunities for education assistance funding and training opportunities;
▻ Pension & benefits: Advantageous pension regime and health benefits. For more information, see: https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/topics/pension-plan.html;
▻ Flexible work arrangements: Relative to operational requirements, flexible hours, compressed work weeks, and hybrid working arrangements may be possible.


The duties will include a mix of work out on the land, and in the office. Our team works on many projects such as monitoring rivers, understanding how climate change is impacting plants, and keeping staff and park visitors safe. During the summer (June – August), we spend a lot of time on the land in small teams (usually 3-4 people) doing multi-day trips to the park.

Some fun activities that you may find yourself doing on the job include:
• Travelling on the land and water by foot, canoe, helicopter, float plane;
• Collecting information about the water, land, and animals in Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve;
• Setting up camps and contributing to field camp life;
• Using monitoring equipment e.g., remote cameras, GPS, audio recorders;
• Training in wilderness first aid and incident response;
• Experiencing and seeing some of the most spectacular scenery in Canada; and
• Working in a positive team setting with people who love the outdoors and nature.

Additional activities that you may find yourself doing in the office include:
• Assembling and preparing equipment;
• Organizing information collected on the land and entering it into a computer;
• Working with team members to write or update reports;
• Learning to work in a team setting to plan field work and team safety;
• Learning about emergency response services;
• Doing Duty Officer shifts where you’ll be the contact for staff and visitors in the park; and
• Communicating with the public about our work.

Work environment

Parks Canada is a federal government agency responsible for the protection and presentation of Canada’s outstanding natural and cultural resources through a system of national parks, national marine conservation areas and national historic sites in all regions of Canada.

Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve is one of the newest additions to Canada’s national park system. It protects 4,895 square kilometers of the upper South Nahanni River watershed in the Northwest Territories, and is located in the traditional territory of the Sahtu Dene and Métis. Nááts’įhch’oh is remote and mountainous, and home to grizzly bear, Dall’s sheep, mountain goats, and woodland caribou. The park offers spectacular paddling, packrafting and hiking opportunities.

The headquarters for Nááts’įhch’oh are in the Hamlet of Tulita. A beautiful new cultural centre/ office building is under construction and due for completion in 2026. Tulita (“where the waters meet”) is located at the confluence of the Great Bear and Mackenzie Rivers. It has a population of around 500 people, predominantly Sahtu Dene and Métis. Tulita is an isolated community, accessible year-round by air and by ice road in the winter. The summers have average high temperatures in the low 20s while winter temperatures are in the low -20s and occasionally drop to -50. Summers have long days with almost perpetual daylight. Paddling the Bear River under the midnight sun is an experience like no other. The winter offers opportunities for aurora viewing, snowshoeing and cross-country skiing.

Amenities in town include a general store, post office, gas station, school (K-12), library, gymnasium, fitness centre, arena (seasonal), swimming pool (seasonal), hotel, airport, RCMP detachment, and health centre.

Nááts’įhch’oh National Park Reserve is a fly-in park, so Resource Conservation staff must be comfortable flying in small aircraft (float planes and helicopters). The successful candidate will work in Tulita and sometimes in the park. The park offers breathtaking mountain views, chances to swim in remote lakes and to see incredible wildlife. The candidate must be willing to undertake shift work, including work on holidays, evenings and weekends. Shifts may include multi-day trips into remote areas of Nááts’įhch’oh. There are no facilities or infrastructure in the park, so all field work will involve overnight camping in tents.

Intent of the process

The intent of this process is to staff a full-time term position from May to November 2025.

This process is intended to fill existing vacancy(ies) but may be used to fill anticipated vacancy(ies) with the same or similar work description and language requirements, including indeterminate (permanent) and term opportunities, or in different locations.

Due to the operational nature of this position, remote work options are not available.

Positions to be filled: 1

Information you must provide

Your résumé.

Contact information for 3 references.

In order to be considered, your application must clearly explain how you meet the following (essential qualifications)

• Completion of two years of a post-secondary program related to environmental and/or natural sciences (e.g., biology, ecology, geology)
An acceptable combination of education, training and experience in a field related to the position.

Degree equivalency

• Experience travelling, living, or working on the land for long periods of time (e.g., more than 4 days);
• Experience using a variety of computer applications for data entry, data management and report writing (e.g., Microsoft Word, Excel, databases, Geographic Information Systems etc.).

The following will be applied / assessed at a later date (essential for the job)

English essential

Information on language requirements

• Ability to follow instructions for gathering information and working in the field;
• Ability to communicate effectively with supervisors and team members.

• Exercises sound judgment;
• Takes responsibility;
• Works well with others;
• Strives for excellence.

The following may be applied / assessed at a later date (may be needed for the job)

• Training or experience in visitor safety operations (e.g., wilderness first aid, bear safety, safe firearms use, swiftwater rescue, incident response, evacuations, firefighting, search and rescue);
• Experience and training in firearms safety;
• Experience observing the environment (plants, animals, weather, etc.) and/or collecting samples or information about the environment using different tools and equipment;
• Experience working in northern Canada or remote/isolated communities.

• Knowledge of Sahtu Dene and Métis history, culture, traditions and language;
• Connaissance de la culture, de la société et de l’économie des Dénés et des Métis du Sahtu, et de l’Entente sur la revendication territoriale globale des Dénés et Métis du Sahtu;
• Knowledge of environmental characteristics of the Park and its surrounding area.

• Fluency in Dene Kǝdǝ́.

• Willingness to travel extensively by aircraft and/or watercraft including small fixed wing aircraft and helicopters;
• Willingness to wear a Parks Canada uniform and prescribed protective equipment;
• Willingness and ability to hike long distances including multi-day hikes;
• Willingness to work and/or travel under challenging conditions (including varied terrain, weather conditions, isolated locations and by various means of transportation) for extended periods of time;
• Willingness to work irregular hours, overtime, weekends and/or statutory holidays and provincial/territorial holidays, when required;
• Willingness to obtain certification in the operation of various forms of ground (e.g., all-terrain vehicles) and marine/moving water (motorized and non-motorized vessels) transportation as required.

Conditions of employment

• Obtain and maintain a reliability level security clearance;
• Possession of a valid Class 5 Driver’s licence;
• Required to undergo and pass pre-placement and periodic medical checks (when position is located in an area classed as isolated and remote, a pre-employment medical examination of an individual and his/her dependants may be required);
• Valid Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) (must be obtained within 6 months).

Other information

The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled and diverse workforce that reflects the Canadians we serve. We promote employment equity and encourage you to indicate if you belong to one of the designated groups when you apply.

Information on employment equity


You may apply online
send an email to Stephanie Marshello at
visit the Nááts'įhch'oh National Park Reserve of Canada Administration Office (38 Bear Rock Drive in Tulita, NT) to pick up an application package.

All candidates must clearly demonstrate in the screening questions how they meet the education and experience factors listed in both the essential and asset qualifications listed.

Please note that it is not sufficient to only state that these factors are met or to provide a listing of current or past responsibilities. Provide concrete examples of WHEN, WHERE & HOW.

Failure to clearly demonstrate how you meet the Education and Experience factors may result in the rejection of your application.

Normally, applicants will not be solicited for incomplete or possible missing information.

Candidates will be asked to provide proof of their education credentials at a later date.

Resumes will be used as a secondary source to validate the experience described in the screening questions and/ or email - as appropriate.

Three (3) references are required, including one from a supervisor.

4. CURRENT POSITION (FOR Government of Canada Employees) (if applicable)
Please identify clearly your substantive group and level and your employment status on your resume and/or application and/or email.

∙ An interview will be administered
∙ A written assessment may be administered
∙ Reference checks will be sought

Persons are entitled to participate in the appointment process in the official language of their choice. Applicants are asked to indicate their preferred official language in their application.

Parks Canada Agency considers applications from all individuals who have legal status to work in Canada. Please indicate in your application the reason for which you are entitled to work in Canada: Canadian citizenship, permanent resident status or work permit.


PLEASE NOTE: Our intention is to communicate with candidates via e-mail for competition purposes.
Please provide a valid e-mail address. It is the candidate's responsibility to provide any changes to their personal information to the contact indicated on this job advertisement.

The essential qualifications that are listed in the poster are mandatory. A pass mark will be established for each.

Successful candidate(s) must meet and maintain the conditions of Employment throughout their employment.

Persons who have received pay in lieu of unfulfilled surplus period, a Transition Support Measure (TSM) or an Educational Allowance and are re-appointed to the Parks Canada Agency are required to reimburse an amount corresponding to the period from the effective date of such reappointment or hiring, to the end of the original period for which the TSM and education allowance was paid. Please contact Wanda Burdett, Human Resources Manager, if you are one of these individuals to find out how this applies to your particular situation.

Persons who are in receipt of a Canadian Government Public Service pension and are considering this employment opportunity with the Parks Canada Agency, should contact the PWGSC Public Service Pension Centre (1-800-561-7930) in order to determine the impact of an appointment on their pension benefit entitlements.

The Parks Canada Agency is established as a separate employer in the Federal Public Service under the Financial Administration Act. Persons appointed to the Agency continue to be part of the Public Service. The Parks Canada Agency operates under its own human resources framework outside of the Public Service Employment Act and in line with values of fairness, competence and respect, and its operating principles.

In accordance with paragraph 8(2)(a) of the Privacy Act, information or material, whether provided directly by the candidate or otherwise obtained by the selection board, used during the selection process for the purpose of assessing a candidate may be used as part of the selection review and recourse processes. Such relevant information may be provided to third parties, such as other candidates or their representatives, who have a legitimate reason to be aware of that information.

We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

Original government version here
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