
Naval Architect - Hull Systems Engineer (Materials Engineer)
Original government version here
Closing: 2025-02-27

Naval Architect - Hull Systems Engineer (Materials Engineer)

Reference number: DND24J-150496-000159
Selection process number: 24-DND-EA-NAST-528589
National Defence
Esquimalt (British Columbia)
$98,710 to $119,938

For further information on the organization, please visit National Defence

We invite you to watch this short video (2.5 minutes) to learn more about how to submit your job application online: Cracking the code

Closing date: 27 February 2025 - 23:59, Pacific Time

Who can apply: Persons residing in Canada, and Canadian citizens and Permanent residents abroad.

Important messages

We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process. If you need to be accommodated during any phase of the evaluation process, please use the Contact information below to request specialized accommodation. All information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential.

Assessment accommodation

The first applications will be collected from the inventory on January 6th, 2025. Apply before this date to be considered for our immediate vacancies. When you apply to this selection process, you are not applying for a specific job, but to an inventory for current and future vacancies. As positions become available, applicants who meet the qualifications may be contacted for further assessment. Please note that candidates will only be assessed once, and re-applications to the inventory will not be considered.

📢 How does this work?

✅ Step 1: Read the entire advertisement. Want to join our team? Let us know you’re interested! Click “Apply Online”

✅ Step 2: Tell us about yourself! Attach your resume and answer the screening questions in the online application.

✅ Step 3: We will carefully review all your qualifications. If your talent matches one of our immediate or upcoming opportunities, we may contact you for further information or assessment.

Creating an environment where diverse perspectives are valued begins with self-declaration. Count yourself in and self-declare by identifying to which employment equity group(s) you belong. In order to self-declare, please ensure to indicate this by checking off the appropriate box within the online application as part of the Employment Equity section.


As a Naval Architect - Hull Systems Engineer (Materials Engineer), you will be responsible for the design, analysis, and maintenance of naval vessels. Your key responsibilities will include:
• Structural analysis and design
• Materials selection and engineering
• System design and development
• Maintenance and repair planning
• Technical problem-solving and troubleshooting
• Ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations
• Collaborating with a multidisciplinary team
• Participating in sea trials
This role requires strong engineering skills, a keen eye for detail, and the ability to work in a dynamic environment.

Work environment

The Department of National Defence (DND) is one of the largest federal government employers, offering over 70 types of civilian career opportunities. DND's role is to provide services and support to the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in their operations and missions at home and abroad. The civilian workforce is an essential part of the Defence Team. Your knowledge and expertise contribute to the overall mission. In this regard, the department fosters a work environment where you have opportunities to learn, to develop your talents, to progress in your career and have job satisfaction over the long-term.

About the location:
The job is located in Esquimalt, BC. It is one of thirteen municipalities of the Greater Victoria Area/Capital Regional District at the southern tip of Vancouver Island. The mild costal climate is one of the best in Canada. Outdoor and indoor recreational areas are abundant in the region, from pristine nature trails, clear blue lakes, bike paths to a number of education institutions and friendly neighbourhoods. Cultural events such as Rifflandia Music Festival, Victoria Tall Ships Festival, Symphony Splash, Oak Bay’s Tea Party, Esquimalt’s Buccaneer Day, and more provide a wide variety of entertainment. Vancouver and Seattle are with a day’s travel of this vibrant city.

Intent of the process

The intent of this process is to fill one (1) EN-ENG-03 position on an Indeterminate basis in Esquimalt, British Columbia.

A pool of partially or essentially qualified candidates may be established through this process and used to staff identical or similar positions with various employment tenures (temporary and permanent), operational requirements, and conditions of employment at the Department of National Defence, in Esquimalt only.

This pool may be used to staff similar positions in other organizations within the core public administration (http://www.psc-cfp.gc.ca/plcy-pltq/rfli-lirf/index-eng.htm).

By applying to this process, you consent to your personal application-related information being shared with other government departments interested in staffing similar positions.

Positions to be filled: 1

Information you must provide

Your résumé.

In order to be considered, your application must clearly explain how you meet the following (essential qualifications)

❗ Essential qualifications are qualifications that you must meet in order to be considered for the position. This means that when you apply, your application must clearly demonstrate how you meet the education and experience listed below.

ED1. Graduation with a degree from a recognized post-secondary institution in mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, aeronautical engineering, geological engineering, naval architecture, marine engineering, or some other engineering specialty relevant to the duties of the position.

Degree equivalency


EX1. Experience working as an engineering specialist in either marine structures, marine systems or naval architecture.

EX2. Experience with hull surveys and hull repair, in particular related to structures on ships or submarines; or experience with Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) and other relevant hull systems on ships or submarines.

EX3. Experience in performing complex maintenance tasks on naval vessels in 2nd and 3rd line.

The following will be applied / assessed at a later date (essential for the job)

English essential

Information on language requirements


C1. Demonstrating integrity and respect
C2. Thinking things through
C3. Working effectively with others
C4. Showing initiative and being action-oriented
C5. Communication


A1. Ability to analyze and solve technical problems, formulate options and recommend solutions.

The following may be applied / assessed at a later date (may be needed for the job)


AED1. Master degree in naval architecture, marine engineering, or mechanical engineering.

Degree equivalency


AEX1. Experience in the field of military equipment repair and/or overhaul.

AEX2. Experience in submarine materiel certification policy and processes.

AEX3. Experience in configuration management and engineering change process.

AEX4. Experience in Class Society application to naval platforms.

AEX5. Experience in fitted fire fighting equipment on ships or submarines.

AEX6. Experience in welding.

AEX7. Experience in lifting appliances.

AEX8. Experience in Integrated Logistical Support and Supportability specific to marine platforms.

AEX9. Experience in Defence Resource Management Information Systems (DRMIS).

AEX10. Experience with hull surveys and hull repair, in particular related to structures on ships or submarines; or experience with Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) and other relevant hull systems on ships or submarines (the opposite of the essential experience).

AEX11. Experience in working with a multi-disciplinary team in the conduct of technical activities.


The Department of National Defence is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive team that reflects Canada's population.

To achieve a representative workforce, selection may be based on qualified candidates self-declaring as belonging to one or more of the designated groups: Indigenous Peoples, members of visible minorities, persons with disabilities, and women.

We encourage you to indicate if you belong to any of the designated groups when you apply.

As means to support our military families and linked with the Department of National Defence priorities, consideration may first be given to the spouses or common-law partners of serving Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members.

Information on employment equity


OR1. Willing and able to work overtime, on an occasional basis.

Conditions of employment

Secret security clearance

COE1. Willing and able to work in an open office environment and in an industrial environment.

COE2. Willing and able to sail in ships or submarines when required for sea trials.

COE3. Willing and able to work on and transfer to and from ships and submarines via small boat or helicopter.

COE4. Willing and able to travel nationally or internationally.

COE5. Willing and able to use vertical ladders, work at height, in confined spaces, or in high noise areas on board ships or submarines.

COE6. Strict adherence to the Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces Code of Values and Ethics, Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector, Directive on Conflict of Interest, and Defence Administrative Orders and Directives (DAOD) 7021-1, Conflict of Interest.

Copy and paste these links in your browser for more information: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/defence-ethics/policies-publications/code-value-ethics.html AND https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/corporate/policies-standards/defence-administrative-orders-directives/7000-series/7021/7021-1-conflict-of-interest.html

Candidates must meet and maintain the above conditions of employment.

Other information

▶ Persons are entitled to participate in the appointment process in the official language of their choice.

▶ Our organization will only accept on-line applications for this opportunity. Please click “Apply online” to submit your application. If there are limitations or special circumstances preventing you from submitting your application via the GC Jobs online portal, you must contact us and receive approval to apply via an alternate means PRIOR to the closing date.

▶ Depending on the position being staffed:
↪ Additional qualifications, operational requirements and/or conditions of employment may be required
↪ Varying degrees of breadth and depth of experience may be deemed essential
↪ Asset qualifications may be invoked as essential qualifications
↪ You may be contacted and asked to submit information or be further assessed

▶ Applicants who apply to this selection process must include in their application a valid email address and make sure that this address is functional at all times and accepts messages from unknown users.

▶ All information obtained throughout the selection process, from the time of application to close of process, may be used to evaluate the applicants. Your overall conduct and communications, including email correspondence, may be used in the assessment of qualifications and competencies.

▶ To ensure the integrity of the selection process, the content and questions of the assessment must remain confidential. Please do not discuss or share the assessment content with anyone, including other candidates. You must complete the assessment, including screening questions, by yourself, without the help of others, including the use of unapproved internet resources and artificial intelligence (such as ChatGPT or any other forms of artificial intelligence). Plagiarism and the use of artificial intelligence is strictly prohibited throughout the entire process and suspected non-compliance will be investigated. Any violation may result in potential consequences which could include your elimination from this selection process.

▶ If, at any point in this process or upon qualifying in this process, your Values and Ethics do not align with that of the Department of National Defence and Canadian Forces Code of Values and Ethics and Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector, you will be eliminated from further consideration in this process. (Copy and paste these links in your browser for more information: https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/services/benefits-military/defence-ethics/policies-publications/code-value-ethics.html AND https://www.tbs-sct.canada.ca/pol/doc-eng.aspx?id=25049)

▶ Appointment decisions may be based on one or more of the following criteria:
↪ Matching of the individual's experience or qualifications to the strengths and weaknesses of the work team;
↪ Matching of the individual's experience or qualifications to the specific duties of the position being staffed;
↪ Depth, breadth, type of work-specific experience;
↪ Level/degree of one or more competencies/qualifications;
↪ Organizational Needs.


Preference will be given to veterans first and then to Canadian citizens and permanent residents, with the exception of a job located in Nunavut, where Nunavut Inuit will be appointed first.

Information on the preference to veterans

We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

Original government version here
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