
Engineering Test Pilot - Fixed Wing/Rotary Wing (2 Streams)
Original government version here
Closing: 2025-02-19

Engineering Test Pilot - Fixed Wing/Rotary Wing (2 Streams)

Reference number: MOT23J-022512-000385
Selection process number: 23-MOT-EA-HRS-02040
Transport Canada
Ottawa (Ontario)
$140,252 to $160,378

Closing date: 7 March 2025 - 23:59, Pacific Time

Who can apply: Persons residing in Canada, and Canadian citizens and Permanent residents abroad.

Important messages

We are committed to providing an inclusive and barrier-free work environment, starting with the hiring process. If you need to be accommodated during any phase of the evaluation process, please use the Contact information below to request specialized accommodation. All information received in relation to accommodation will be kept confidential.

Assessment accommodation

When you apply to this selection process, you are not applying for a specific job, but to an inventory for future vacancies. As positions become available, applicants who meet the qualifications may be contacted for further assessment.

At Transport Canada, we are committed to helping create a diverse and inclusive public service that is truly representative of Canada.

We strive to establish bias-free selection and assessment practices that provide equal opportunity for all, including persons from employment equity groups or equity-seeking groups, such as members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ communities.

As of February 1, 2023, all persons involved in the assessment of candidates in an appointment process must take the Canada School of Public Service COR120 - Inclusive Hiring Practices for a Diverse Workforce training.

As part of our priority to advance reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, Transport Canada has the “Indigenous Career Navigator program.” For more information on services and support for Indigenous peoples in the hiring process, please contact the following address: .

You must submit a complete application, consisting of a résumé as well as responses to screening questions which clearly demonstrate how you meet the education and experience factors listed under the essential qualifications, as well as any of the asset qualifications that may apply.

For each experience criterion, please provide concrete examples including the following information:
1. Name of the department or organization where the experience was acquired;
2. Title of the position occupied and duration (including dates) for which you exercised the functions;
3. Specific details of tasks, projects, or accomplishments demonstrating how the experience was acquired.

You must also clearly indicate in your application which stream you are applying for by answering the additional screening questions.

Work environment

Our office is located at 159 Cleopatra Drive, Nepean ON.

Intent of the process

This process consists of two streams:
Stream 1 ✈️: Engineering Test Pilot - Fixed Wing
Stream 2 🚁: Engineering Test Pilot - Rotary Wing

This inventory will be used to initially staff 1 position in Stream 2 (Rotary Wing), and to create a pool of qualified candidates to staff positions in both streams, Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing, in the future at Transport Canada.

Positions to be filled: Number to be determined

Information you must provide

Your résumé.

In order to be considered, your application must clearly explain how you meet the following (essential qualifications)


ED1: Graduation with a degree from a recognized post-secondary institution in engineering, mathematics, science or in a field relevant to the duties of the position; AND

Successful completion of a one year Engineering Test Pilot course recognized by Transport Canada


Graduation with a degree in Engineering from a recognized post-secondary institution or eligibility for certification as a professional engineer in Canada; AND

Minimum of five years of experience as an experimental or developmental test pilot with a manufacturer of civil certified transport category aircraft.

Degree equivalency


Stream 1:
Possession of a Canadian Airline Transport Pilot Licence (ATPL), Airplane with a Group I Instrument Rating AND possession of a valid Restricted Radio-Telephone Operator Certificate (endorsed Aeronautical).

Note 1: Candidates will be asked to provide proof of education or eligibility for certification.

Stream 2:
Possession of a valid Canadian Commercial Pilot Licence - Helicopter Category with a valid Group IV Instrument Rating AND possession of a valid Restricted Radio-Telephone Operator Certificate (endorsed Aeronautical).

Note 1: Candidates will be asked to provide proof of education or eligibility for certification.

Foreign Education Credentials: The Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) contains information on how to obtain an assessment of foreign education credentials. Candidates with foreign education credentials are required to provide proof of Canadian equivalency. You may consult the CICIC for further information: http://www.cicic.ca/en/index.aspx.


Stream 1 ✈️:
EX1: *Significant engineering flight test experience as a pilot in command (PIC) of a number of airplane types.
EX2: *Significant experience as an airplane engineering test pilot (ETP).

*Significant: Candidate has acted as PIC in five or more aircraft types and has flown as the ETP in several airplane or system development and/ or certification projects. In these cases there must have been noteworthy test piloting responsibility.

Stream 2 🚁:
EX3: *Significant engineering flight test experience as a pilot in command (PIC) of a number of helicopter types.
EX4: *Significant experience as a helicopter engineering test pilot (ETP).

*Significant: Candidate has acted as PIC in five or more aircraft types and has flown as the ETP in several helicopter or system development and/ or certification projects. In these cases there must have been noteworthy test piloting responsibility.

If you possess any of the following, your application must also clearly explain how you meet it (other qualifications)


In addition to the essential qualifications listed above, meeting the asset qualifications criteria may be a deciding factor in choosing the person to be appointed for specifics positions.

Occupational Certification

Stream 2 only:
AOC1: Possession of a valid Canadian Airline Transport Pilot Licence - Helicopter Category with a valid Group IV Instrument Rating.


Streams 1 & 2:
AEX1: Experience in civil aircraft certification projects.
AEX2: More than 2,500 hours flight time.
AEX3: Experience in civil industry as a delegated certification test pilot.
AEX4: Experience in other aircraft types, including manned free balloons, airships, and emerging technologies (e.g. eVTOL).

Stream 1 ✈️ :
AEX5: Experience in fixed wing aircraft.
AEX6: Experience in piloting a variety of airplane types as other than pilot in command.

Stream 2 🚁:
AEX7: Experience in rotary wing aircraft.
AEX8: Experience in piloting a variety of helicopter types as other than pilot in command.

The following will be applied / assessed at a later date (essential for the job)

English essential

Information on language requirements


Streams 1 and 2:
K1: Knowledge of civil airworthiness certification design standards.

Stream 1 ✈️:
K2: *Significant knowledge of:
• aircraft operations;
• airplane flight test techniques;
• aerodynamics, stability and control, performance, power plants and aircraft system operation.

*Significant: Candidate knows and understands the subjects to a depth and breadth needed to fly and conduct certification tests of airplanes in Canada without further theoretical training or study.

Stream 2 🚁:
K3: *Significant knowledge of:
• aircraft operations
• helicopter flight test techniques
• aerodynamics, stability and control, performance, power plants and aircraft system operation.

*Significant: Candidate knows and understands the subjects to a depth and breadth needed to fly and conduct certification tests of helicopters in Canada without further theoretical training or study.


Streams 1 and 2:
KLC1: Values and Ethics
KLC2: Thinking Things Through
KLC3: Excellence through Results
KLC4: Engagement


Streams 1 and 2:
A1: Superior piloting skills, as required for safe, efficient and effective flying conduct of certification test flights.
A2: Ability to effectively communicate orally.
A3: Ability to effectively communicate in writing.
A4: Ability to analyze and solve problems.

The following may be applied / assessed at a later date (may be needed for the job)

Selection may be limited to members of the following Employment Equity groups: Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, women

Information on employment equity


Streams 1 and 2:
Must be willing and able to travel nationally and internationally as required.
Must be willing and able to work overtime and weekends as required.

Stream 1:
Requires personally test flying all types of civil airplanes, often in critical areas of the flight envelope.

Stream 2:
Requires personally test flying all types of civil helicopters, often in critical areas of the flight envelope.

Conditions of employment

Secret security clearance

Other information

The Public Service of Canada is committed to building a skilled and diverse workforce that reflects the Canadians we serve. We promote employment equity and encourage you to indicate if you belong to one of the designated groups when you apply.

Information on employment equity


Preference will be given to veterans first and then to Canadian citizens and permanent residents, with the exception of a job located in Nunavut, where Nunavut Inuit will be appointed first.

Information on the preference to veterans

We thank all those who apply. Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

Original government version here
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